Expo Guide & Management


Exhibitions and trade shows are held around the globe to help bring businesses and customers together. They can also be held for businesses to find partners offering products and services that complement their own offerings. As there are often a good number of participants in these exhibitions, the challenge is to stand out in a plethora of other brands and exhibitors. It is important that your exhibition stand design and build be more than good enough to attract the interest you want for your brand and products.

    • exhibition booths
    • booth design



Tips on how you can catch the eye of your customers and, more significantly, make a good impression on them:


1. Know your goals – Your purpose for participating in the trade show or exhibition should be clear to you. These should be the basis of your plans for your exhibition stand design and build. Everything about your exhibit stand should all help you achieve your goals. Be clear about what messages you want your stand design to convey.


2. Identify your target audience – Knowing who you are ?talking? to in the exhibit will allow you to think of the best way to communicate your message and present your products, services, and brand. Learn what your target consumers needs and wants are and direct your messages to them. Make sure you answer their needs or wants. This will surely put your brand or product on their radar.

It also helps to be abreast regarding how your target market reacts to the latest trends. This will help you in designing your exhibition stand design and build and in choosing your strategy.

As impact of both efficiency and effectiveness we provide quality which will be your vital sign on the trade show results. Nothing is more disappointing, loss of expenses, time and effort, by creating a failing project.


3. Use attention-grabbing graphics – The classic adage a picture paints a thousand words says it all. Get your target market?s attention by enticing them with interesting pictures. Make sure your chosen image or set of images conveys your company?s message or identity, without need for lengthy text.


4. Make your texts inspirational – The key is to maintain it short and powerful. People will not stop to read a lengthy copy. Witty is the word. Keep it short and sweet, and right on the dot. Use verbs, or action words. Substitute long sentences with short phrases or better yet, one word that captures your message. Your visitors are not likely to spend minutes reading walls of text from your product tarp in front of your exhibit stand.


5. Improve your space – Confirm the size of your stand area with the organizers. Get all the dimensions including the height of your stand structure. You can capitalize on a high ceiling space by creating a high arch for your logo or brand name for instance, or putting a tall tower with a rotating sign. This will create a lighthouse effect that will lead your target to your standout booth.

These are just some practical points that you can use when planning your exhibition stand. You can get in touch with exhibition stand design and build contractors if you need help in bringing your concepts to life.


Tips For Successful Exhibiting


Create a welcoming exhibit space:

Create a knockout feature, making certain that you are noticeable and different among a group of people or brand in your area of service. Your booth is like a window looking into your business, make it inspirational. Invite attendees into your area with demos, contests (drawings), or relevant and exclusive testers/samples. While designing, remember, open space is more welcoming and puts visitors at comfort. Give them intention to spend time and interest for your booth. Keep your booth organized. Be imaginative, making it fun and fascinating, while presenting information that displays your specialties.


Recognition and repetition:

Remember, the more often customers see you at an exhibition, the more likely you will be remembered and called upon for projects. Develop your own brand awareness with your name and logo. Then promote, using it in noticeable, highly visible locations. Consider one of the show funding prospects to increase your presence before, during, and after the show. Come back again each year, to further increase your visibility. Recognition and repetition are important in business.


For many years now, brand practitioners, academics and consultants have shared a rallying cry: brand must be expressed through the experience of a product or service, rather than simply through creative communications.


Exhibition visitors experience the an exhibition presentation differently. Authentic and differentiated experiences must be rooted in an understanding of this uniqueness, and may respond to the stand presentation. Tailored exhibition stands can make personalized experiences that still embody the company, brand values.
The shift to individualized experiences changes the relationship a brand has with its consumers.


A potential customer buying a smart connected product is no longer taking the last part of the journey that starts with awareness to consideration and ends with preference and selection, but is instead taking the initial step in a relationship with a firm. Take simple things like a thermostat; 10 years ago, a buyer would have done research – perhaps by reading reviews or speaking with a sales associate, or friends and then bought the product. Today, if you buy any product, you buying and installing the product is just the start of the relationship with the brand. Personalized experiences evolve the connection between the brand and buyer from consumption to participation.